My name is Juan, a data and machine learning practitioner and in this blog, I will share my experiments and projects, in addition to other data-related content.

My name is Juan, a data and machine learning practitioner and in this blog, I will share my experiments and projects, in addition to other data-related content.
These projects are produced in my free time, and the main reason why I work on them is to learn new techniques, to be updated with the latest trends and discoveries, and to share the knowledge with the rest of the world. Besides this, I have had the chance of speaking at several conferences, so you might also find some videos or notes related to them.
You will notice that many of my uses cases are related to Pokemon. Why's that? Well, for starters I am a huge Pokemon fan, and second I believe there are numerous different data applications that can be done with Pokemon data.
Prior to starting this blog, I wrote most of my work in Medium and my GitHub page. However, I will link some of my most popular or prefered projects across several new posts. If you are interested in them, you could visit my Medium page at https://medium.com/@jdiossantos
If you wish to know more about me, my current work and my background, check out the about me page.
Thanks for reading.