Why do I quantify my life with data? - a presentation

CarpentryCon 2022 took place from August 1 to August 12, 2022, and I presented a lightning talk titled "Why do I quantify my life with data." The talk discussed what motivates me to use several devices and other technologies to track different aspects of my life. Here's the description:

Quantified self" is the act of tracking aspects of your life using data, an activity I've been doing for various years. At first, I started by wearing devices and making spreadsheets. Now, I'm writing libraries to assist me and owning the data others are collecting for me, thanks to laws like GDPR. This lightning talk is about this activity. I'll talk about why and how I do it-because if we're using data to solve problems and discover insights, why can't we apply the same methods to ourselves?

What was unique about this presentation is that it was my first lightning talk and presentation given in Spanish. However, to make it accessible to everybody, the fantastic team at CarpentryCon and their focus on accessibility added both English and Spanish captions to the video (it was a pre-recorded talk).

Even though the talk was pre-recorded, I attended one of the sessions and could answer questions and even discuss a bit more of the topic. To my surprise, the audience had several questions and curious comments, which motivated me to increase my collection of data-gathering devices and to apply to do a full-length talk in the future.

Thanks, CarpentryCon for such a unique event! See you next year  :)

Link to the presentation (EN): https://juand.es/cc2022-EN

Link to the presentation (ES): https://juand.es/cc2022-ES